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ContactI respond to ALL mails that are not spam within a day or two, with a real answer, not a script even if it takes hours to answer them. IF you mailed me and got no response, it got intercepted.
Web resourcesI am going to post the most valuable web resources here. This is the best video sniping site, you don't have to buy the app, just use it and let it use Java.Internet explorer hates this, but Google chrome works fine. _________ This is the best absolute stealth mode Linux out there, (Kills ubuntu dead) but you need an older PC for it (4 or more years) When it downloads, double click it with a burnable CD in your drive, NOT a dvd, and it will take care of the rest. Re-boot via CD and enjoy. You don't have to install it, and it leaves your computer untouched. Since Vialls work was so similar to mine, it will be archived here. Like Fukushima, Indonesia was swamped by a nuclear tsunami. I suspected Vialls would not live to post the second part of this report. He did not
March 20 Mexico quake verified MAN MADEA reader sent me a mail with a link to a report by Dutchsince, which claimed that the march 20 quake in Mexico was man made. I was skeptical, but then took a look at his report which documented that a very well planned and advertised earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario at the exact same magnitude at the exact same time had taken place. If you look at what I said in my initial report - it felt like accelerating back and forth, not a violent movement, and in mails I also added that it had no vibration of any sort. This matches the descriptions of the Fukushima quake that came out of Japan. Furthermore, if you read my mails from Japan, in there my writers said that all the quakes were happening at a depth of 10 KM and because of that, and the way the quakes felt un natural, they believed the spate of recent quakes in Japan were from an earthquake machine, the existence of which is documented in the Fukushima report. Well, the USGS said this quake happened at a depth of 10 km, which matches Japan exactly. Usually quakes are much deeper, and this similarity with Japan is suspicious ESPECIALLY CONSIDERINGTHIS!!!To Lavoz Del Norte and others who will bury the facts when they are inconvenient, Now you know what will happen on this site; (explanation to readers on the next line . . . . .Note - The newspaper La Voz Del Norte, which posted this article has banned all access to it and all others on their site related to it. SO,It's a good thing I made a back up!. . . . . . After a while in this business of busting lies and cover ups, you learn to do that!)This text article is dated March 13, and verifies that indeed, this quake HAD TO BE man made.
It is verified truth the quake in mexico was indeed man made, the depth, which matches the suspicious quakes in Japan, and the fact it coincided with an earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario puts it over the top into the false flag terror category. Many of my readers are well read enough to know that on 9/11 there was a terror drill covering the EXACT SAME SCENARIO happening nationwide, including at NORAD, which caused them to fail to address and react to a very real situation, and the London train bombings, where the same thing happened. Now that terror in the name of Arabs has failed, they are attempting a new approach - terror in the name of the environment. You would think they would come up with a different bag of tricks, the whole "drill coincidence" theme is getting a little obvious. I made good and sure I got the real info from the real source before posting this, and now, I applaud Dutchsince for the WONDERFUL work!
And now, since this is proven, I am going to make a real good guess. I would be willing to bet that a gravity wave, or gravity machine has been invented. This would be prime for triggering earthquakes, because if you could put a gravity pull on the crust of the earth, in a direction other than down or up, it would indeed move the earth back and forth the way I felt it. I think that is what we are witnessing here and I would bet 500 pesos the Mexican government was not in on this particular joke. ___________________________________
This was my initial report of the March 20 Chiapas quakeI felt the earthquake in Mexico city, it happened at high noon.I was in a Starbucks next to the Sams Club in the Santa Fe district of Mexico City. The quake lasted about 20 seconds, and whatever the magnitude, people gawked at the swaying buildings. SO, tie whatever magnitude this was into the Tokyo footage on 3/11. This swayed buildings and flickered the power. How much does it take to sway buildings and cause power glitches? At any rate, I was unimpressed with the 3/11 Tokyo footage.Ok, I got the details, it was a 7.6 in Oaxaca Mexico, on the coast about 500 km away. My guestimate of the magnitude in Mexico City is that it was about a 4.5 - 5.0 at this distance. It felt like accelerating back and forth, and from the feel of it I would say the earth had to have moved 10 feet back and forth but it was not a violent movement. It disoriented drivers, after evacuation I saw a guy on a motorcycle talking to a cop, and the cop was sort of laughing, re-assuring the rider he was not delerious. Hmm, a 7.6 500KM away swaying buildings and flickering power. Remind me, how big is Japan? No seismograph on 3/11 registered anything higher than a 6.67, consider that. What happened in Mexico today was much bigger. And the construction here is not that good, so I think there may have been a disaster at the epicenter, though everything is business as usual in Mexico City. _______________________________________________
What it looks like when my site gets attacked I would much rather live in a civilized society
The WSA Passport has been proven legitimate PRESCRIBED DELETION - the truth about antidepressants My experience with the Jewish community Nasa noticed Haarp anomalies in Hurricane Katrina Face it, the Election was STOLEN Jim Stone visits Occupy Los Angeles Power Grid Tampering to End an Era An open letter to the Israeli Mossad BUSTED!! Mails from Japan, the true perspective Special update for Japanese readers You can donate through Western Union, it works!
Upcoming Articles Is Intel's Sandy Bridge on a road to nowhere? ArchivesMy writing did not start with this site. I will fill in history over time by posting previous articles hereJenin - a nuclear class war disaster Prior to the Fukushima war disaster, this was a photography site. These were old non-news articles, from the ancient days, originally used to drive traffic to the photos. |